Dear QIS participants and attendees,
We are gearing up for Queer Internet Studies next Friday, thanks to all of you who have been in touch about attending and participating. We wanted to reach out with a specific message about calls for general strike on Friday, February 17th, which is the day of QIS.
After a lot of discussion between us, we have decided to hold the event. We are deeply supportive of the call for a strike, and should you wish to not attend in alignment with your politics, please know we stand by you! If you’re no longer able to attend QIS – for whatever reason – please let us know.
Here are a few reasons we’ve decided to continue with the event and some notes to changes that we’ve made accordingly:
- The purpose of QIS2 is provide a space for and welcome scholars, activists, and artists who work against heteronormative, racist, capitalist, sexist, colonialist, and ableist norms and structures in their work on the internet. Given that the aim of our gathering supports the aims of the strike, we see value in gathering together to talk about our work and plan future collaborations.
- We are reaching out to the ICA Museum, our grad students, and those who we will procure food from in an effort to ensure that all strikers are supported in their politics.
- To that end, we may turn to more of you to tweet and blog about the day’s events to support our work there
We look forward to seeing those of you who can attend, to learn from each other, and to find ways to support the kinds of research, activism and art that is clearly going to be needed now more than ever. We look forward to seeing and getting to know all of you now or in the future in the work towards justice.
In solidarity,
Jack + Jessa