Category Archives: Announcements

Sharing the #CLAGSqNY Twitter Hashtag Archive & Its Relationships

For those of you interested not only in the conversations we shared in the class–that are available via video on this site or in the comments below each week’s post for the course for those who talked in the chat window–the Twitter hashtag archive for #CLAGSqNY is now available at the bottom of this post.

I have also rendered a social network analysis of Twitter mentions of various individual’s handles (namely those in the class) who used the #CLAGSqNY hashtag. Each dot below is a person or group tweeting. Each line indicates they mentioned or were mentioned by someone else connected to them. A total of 502 tweets let us see that three major networks of communication (based on the colors of the connections) formed on Twitter: @CLAGSNY (Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies), @meganbigelow (artist Megan Bigelow), and @jgieseking (me). We also can see that while there are a number of folks on the edges only mentioned once (one line to or from their dot) which indicates a lack of conversation, there are more folks with two or more connections to others, showing a level of connection between those involved in CLAGSqNY.

For those out there still checking in on this site, I have taken a position at Bowdoin College. Please feel free to reach out!

Twitter Mentions Using #CLAGSqNY Hashtag. Jen Jack Gieseking CC BY-NC 2013.

Twitter Mentions Using #CLAGSqNY Hashtag. Jen Jack Gieseking CC BY-NC 2013.



Our Queer Lives and Spaces (OQLS) Project Launches Today!

Today we are launching the Our Queer Lives and Spaces (OQLS) Project! 

OQLS is a living archive that affords lgbtqtstsiq people a space to map and share their stories online through mobile devices, multimedia, & web and geospatial technologies. In other words, anyone can text, call, or type in her/his/zee’s own stories from anywhere in the world and it will geocode to one giant, queer map. Hashtag: #OQLS.

Anyone and everyone is invited to join!

To enroll: 

  • Option A) Call (617) 286-5071. After a welcome, press 2 to create an acct & leave an audio story.
  • Option B) Send an mms (picture message) or an sms (text message) to: Include a description of the picture. Yes, you can send an mms or sms to an email account!

To post to OQLS:

  • Option A) Send a sms or mms (text and/or picture message) from your phone to
  • Option B) Call (855) 450-3621 to record your audio story
  • Option C: Or use our website:
  • Remember to give some information about you, where you are, and the year of your story!
  • Note: If you call from an iPhone, it will not geocode your location so that either Jack will geocode it later or you can login in to your new site and add it yourself

Some more background on OQLS: This project is a long-term dream project of mine (Jack). The technology did not exist until just recently and given our field trip today, I could not imagine launching OQLS with a cooler group of people! You do not need to attend our field trip to dive in. Just follow the directions above. 

All Recommended Readings Uploaded

I am delighted to share that all of the Further Recommended Readings have been uploaded! While classes 1 and 2 have been up for awhile, you can now read away through to heart’s content through the other readings for classes 3 and 4. Enjoy! And feel free to keep the conversation going here or via Twitter with the #CLAGSqNY hashtag!

Class Field Trip / Site Visit to West Village NYC on June 5th!

We will be meeting at 6.30pm US EST in the West Village at the entrance to the Christopher Street Piers, just where the pier begins. We will visit some key spots and launch the OQLS Project as we go! At 8pm, we will meet at the one and only Stonewall Inn for drinks if you cannot make the walk.

Feel free to make you account before we meet! I’ll send an email out to everyone enrolled in CLAGSqNY with directions before we meet.

I will not be able to live stream this field trip but I will record it on the OQLS map as we go!