Our Queer Lives and Spaces (#OQLS) is a project dedicated to affording lgbtqtstsiq people a place to map and records their stories in their own words and images. #OQLS uses vojo.co technology that allows you to text or call in your stories to a US-based number from anywhere in the world.
Share your stories and images by phone, email or web!
- Call +1.855.450.3621 (toll free),
- Email oqls@vojo.com, or
- Click here to share your story!
Every lgbtqqitsts person anywhere in the world is welcome to leave their stories, and upload images and videos as well. Vojo.co works by geocoding your stories to a certain place. So set up an account, go to any place you have a story or image or video to share, and call our group number.
We want stories from the present and past! In order to keep track of who shared which stories, start off with your name, hometown, the year the story is about, and the space you are talking about. For example: “This is Jack and I’m from Brooklyn. This is a story about 2008 and I was at the Stonewall Inn…” Then let it roll!
The project is part of Queer(ing) New York class site visit to West Village in New York, New York, on June 5th at 6.30pm. Dr. Jen Jack Gieseking, class instructor, and class members will be coding the stories by year and any other identifiers you offer so that we can collaboratively look for patterns of justice and injustice, community and connection, and desire and friendship in our lives and spaces. Let her know if you want to join in!