Resume & CV
Resume & CV
For a copy of my resume, click here. Updated April 2024.
For a copy of my full academic CV, click here. Updated April 2024.
As of 2020, I primarily update links to my publications only.
jgieseking AT gmail DOT com
- 2022-present. Academic Career Coach & Book Development Editor, JJG Consulting.
- 2022-2024. Research Fellow, Five College Women’s Studies Research Center, Hampshire College.
- 2021-2022. Associate Professor of Geography, University of Kentucky.
- 2018-2021. Assistant Professor of Geography, University of Kentucky.
- 2015-2018. Assistant Professor of American Studies, Trinity College (CT).
- 2013 – 2015. Postdoctoral Fellow in New Media & Data Visualization, Digital and Computational Studies Initiative, Bowdoin College.
- 2012-2013. Visiting Assistant Research Professor, Graduate Center, City University of New York.
- 2013. Ph.D. with distinction, Environmental Psychology, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York.
Dissertation: “Living in an (In)Visible World: Lesbians’ and Queer Women’s Spaces and Experiences of Justice and Oppression in New York City, 1983-2008.” Committee: Drs. Cindi Katz (advisor), Michelle Fine, Melissa Wright, Elizabeth Lapovsky Kennedy, Jessie Daniels, and Tiffany Muller Myrdahl.
- 2004. M.A. with honors, Psychiatry and Religion, Union Theological Seminary at Columbia University. New York, NY.
Thesis: “‘Ecstasy Has Been Given to the Tiger:’ Aggression in the Quaker Meeting for Worship.” Advisor: Dr. Ann Ulanov.
- 2025. Gieseking, J. Dyke Bars*: Queer-Trans Spaces for the End Times. In progress.
- 2020. Gieseking, J. A Queer New York: Geographies of Lesbians, Dykes, and Queer Women, 1983-2008. New York: NYU Press.
- 2014. Gieseking, J., W. Mangold, C. Katz, S. Low, and S. Saegert, eds. The People, Place, and Space Reader. New York, Routledge.
- 2024 (under review). Gieseking, J., and U. Treger. Queer Geographies of Maps, Data, Devices, and Resistance, A Conversation. Places.
- 2023. Gieseking, J. Reflections from a Cis Discipline. Environment & Planning D: Society & Space. 44(4): 571-591. [Over 1,000 downloads in first two months.]
- 2023. Gieseking, J., & C. McKinney. Nostalgia as Proof of Life: a Dossier on Viral Cultures. Feminist Formations [special section: replies to Marika Cifor’s Viral Cultures: Archiving in the Age of AIDS], 35(3), 146-152.
- 2023. ACME Collective. The Unpause-ish Statement: an Editorial. ACME: International Journal of Critical Geographies, 22(1), 750-761.
- 2023. Gieseking, J. Privates, Publics, and Trans Care. Feminist Formations, 34(3), 150-162.
- 2023. Gieseking, J., & D. Rubin. Coming to (Trans) Care: Introduction to a Dossier on Trans Care. Feminist Formations [special section: replies to Hil Malatino’s Trans Care], 34(3), 129-134.
- 2022. Swab, J., & J. Gieseking. Queering the Map 2.0: a Conversation with M. Brown, L. Knopp, & B. Zhao. ACME: International Journal of Critical Geographies [special issue: Doing Critical GIS], 21(4): 416-435.
- 2021. DasGupta, D., R. Rosenberg, JP Catungal, & J. Gieseking. Pedagogies of Queer & Trans Repair: Letters from Geographic Classrooms. ACME: International Journal of Critical Geographies [special issue: Embodying Controversy Through Pedagogy], 20(5): 491-508.
- 2021. ephemera, ACME (Gieseking, J. – lead author), Chto Delat,, Ecologia Politica Network, Journal of Peer Production, Radical Housing Journal, Undisciplined Environments, and Uneven Earth. “Alternatives to Mainstream Publishing within and beyond Academia.” ephemera: theory & politics in organization, 21(4): 117–142.
- 2020. Gieseking, J. Constellations of Queer Urban Space. Environment & Planning D: Society & Space, 38(5): 941-960.
- 2020. Gieseking, J. Citing You on Behalf of an Other Digital Geographical Imagination: a Reply to Natalie Oswin’s ‘An Other Geography.’ Dialogues in Human Geography, 10(1): 41-45.
- 2019. Gieseking, J., K. Batza, J. Auer, J. Capó, M. Springate, & S. Watson. A Roundtable Response to the U.S. LGBTQ Heritage Theme Study. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 25(3): 379-401.
- 2018. Gieseking, J. Where Are We?: Mapping with GIS in Digital Humanities. American Quarterly [special issue on Digital Humanities], 70(3): 641-646.
- 2019. Gieseking, J., J. Lingel, & D. Cockayne. What’s Queer about Internet Studies Now? First Monday, 23(7).
- 2019. Fishcer, M., O. Haimson, C. Rios, A. Shaw, M. Thakor, J. Gieseking, & D. Cockayne. A Conversation: Queer Digital Media Resources and Research. First Monday, 23(7).
- 2019. Gieseking, J., J. Lingel, & D. Cockayne. Queer Internet Studies Recommended Reading List. First Monday, 23(7).
- 2018. Gieseking, J. Messing with the Attractiveness Algorithm: a Response to Queering Code/Space. Gender, Place and Culture, 24(11): 1659-1665.
- 2018. Gieseking, J. Operating Anew: Queering GIScience. Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe Canadien [special issue on Critical GIS / Speculative GIS], 62(1): 55-66.
- 2018. Gieseking, J. Size Matters to Lesbians Too: Queer Feminist Interventions in the Scale of Big Data. Professional Geographer, 70(1): 150-156.
- 2017. Hawkins, B. and J. Gieseking. Seeking Ways to Our Transgender Bodies, By Ourselves: Rationalizing Transgender-Specific Health Information Behaviors. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 54(1): 702-704.
- 2015. Gieseking, J. Useful Instability: the Queer Social and Spatial Production of the Lesbian Herstory Archives. Radical History Review [Queering Archives: Intimate Tracings issue], 2015(122): 25-37; doi:10.1215/01636545-2849504.
- 2015. Gieseking, J. “Crossing Over,” Again and Again: Lesbian-Queer Bodies Producing and Un/Doing Urban Territories and Borders in New York City, 1983-2008. Area, 48(3): 262-270.
- 2015. Gieseking, J. Urban Margins on the Move: Rethinking LGBTQ Inclusion by Queering the Place of the Gayborhood. Berliner Blätter – Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge, 68, 43-45.
- 2014. Gieseking, J. Notes from Queer(ing) New York: Refusing Binaries in Online Pedagogy. Journal of Interactive Technology & Pedagogy, 1(5).
- 2014. Daniels, J., M. Gold, H. Agredano, C. Cahill, J. Gieseking, W. Luttrell, E. Mayorga, M. Ortiz, W. Negron, S. Smith, & P. Thistlethwaite. Reflection on the First Participatory, Open, Online Course (POOC): Reassessing Inequality & Reimagining the 21st Century, East Harlem Case Study. Journal of Interactive Technology & Pedagogy, 1(5).
- 2013. Gieseking, J. Where We Go from Here: the Spatial Mental Mapping Method and Its Analytic Components for Social Science Data Gathering. Qualitative Inquiry. 19(9): 712-724.
- 2011. Low, S.M., G.T. Donovan, and J. Gieseking. Shoestring Democracy: Gated Condominiums and Market Rate Co-operatives in New York. Journal of Urban Affairs, 34(3): 279-296.
- 2010. Opotow, S., and J. Gieseking. Foreground and Background: Environment as Site and Social Issue. Journal of Social Issues [75th Anniversary Issue], 67(1): 179-96.
- 2009. SpaceTime Research Collective (Gieseking, J. – contributing author). To What Will We Resort When Capitalism Is Over? Human Geography, 2(2):101-4.
- 2008. 283 Collective (Gieseking, J. – contributing author). What’s Just? Afterthoughts on the Summer Institute for the Geographies of Justice 2007. Antipode: A Journal of Radical Geography, 40(5): 736-50.
- 2007. Gieseking, J. (Re)Constructing Women: Scaled Portrayals of Privilege and Gender Norms on Campus. Area, 39(3): 278-86.
- 2022. Gieseking, J. Lesbian Avengers; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Community Center of New York City; and Lesbian Herstory Archives. A People’s Guide to New York City, eds. C. Munoz, P. Lewis, and E. Molina. University of California Press, A People’s Guide Series, eds. L. Barraclough, W. Cheng, & L. Pulido.
- 2020. Gieseking, J. The Geographies of LGBTQ Lives: In & Beyond Cities, Neighborhoods, and Bars. In K. Crawford-Lackey, M.E. Springate, eds. LGBTQ Community and Place. New York: Berghan Books.
- 2019. Gieseking, J. Digital. Keywords in Radical Geography: Antipode at 50. Hoboken: Wiley, 85-89.
- 2016. Gieseking, J. Dyked New York: The Space between the Geographical Imagination and Materialization of Lesbian-Queer Bars and Neighbourhoods. In G. Brown and K. Browne, eds. The Routledge Research Companion to Geographies of Sex and Sexualities. New York: Routledge, 29-36.
- 2013. Gieseking, J. Queering the Meaning of ‘Neighborhood’: Reinterpreting the Lesbian-Queer Experience of Park Slope, Brooklyn, 1983-2008. In M. Addison and Y. Taylor, eds. Queer Presences and Absences. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 178-200.
- 2013. Low, S.M., G.T. Donovan, and J. Gieseking. Gates Not Walls as a Securitization Strategy: Gated Communities and Market Rate Co-operatives in New York. In M. Stephenson and L. Zanotti, eds. Building Walls, Securitizing Space, and the Making of Identity. London: Ashgate, pp. 47-68.
- 2013. Gieseking, J. A Queer Geographer’s Life as an Introduction to Queer Theory, Space, and Time, in: Lau, L., Arsanios, M., Zuñiga-Gonzalez, F., Kryger, M. (Eds.), Queer Geographies: Beirut, Tijuana, Copenhagen. Museet for Samtidskunst // Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde, Denmark, pp. 14–21.
- 2013. Gieseking, J. What and Where Next? Some Thoughts on a Spatially Queered Recommended Reading List, in: Lau, L., Arsanios, M., Zuñiga-Gonzalez, F., Kryger, M. (Eds.), Queer Geographies: Beirut, Tijuana, Copenhagen. Museet for Samtidskunst // Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde, Denmark, pp. 196–201.
- 2023. Gieseking, J. Generations of Ex-Lovers Cannot Fail: Rethinking Lesbian Feminism Today [Review of Information Activism by Cait McKinney and Lesbian Potentiality by Rox Samer]. WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly 51(3&4): 249-254.
- 2019. Gieseking, J. Review of Trans*: A Quick and Quirky Account of Gender Variability by Jack Halberstam. Antipode: Radical Journal of Geography. May 30.
- 2018. Gieseking, J. Making an Invisible History Visible: NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project. Journal of American History, 106(10): 290-291.
- 2016. Gieseking, J. Review of Safe Space: Gay Neighborhood History and the Politics of Violence by Christina Hanhardt. Gender, Place and Culture, 23(10): 1516-1518.
- 2016. Gieseking, J. Review of There Goes the Gayborhood? by Amin Ghaziani. Gender, Place and Culture, 23(8): 1221-1222.
- 2015. Gieseking, J. Review of Geographical Diversions: Tibetan Trade, Global Transactions by Tina Harris. Environment & Planning D: Society & Space.
- 2013. Gieseking, J. Review of Queer Methods and Methodologies: Intersecting Queer Theories and Social Science Research by K. Browne, and C.J. Nash, eds, and Queer Spiritual Spaces: Sexuality and Scared Places by K. Browne, S.R. Munt, and A.K.T. Yip, eds. Annals of the Association of American Geographers Review of Books.
- 2009. Gieseking, J. Review of Working-Class Lesbian Life: Classed Outsiders by Yvette Taylor. Gender, Place and Culture, 16(3): 353-4.
- 2008. Gieseking, J., and Y. Hung. Review of A Postcapitalist Politics by J.K. Gibson-Graham. Environment & Planning A, 40(2): 505-6.
- 2007. Gieseking, J. Review of Changing Gender Relations, Changing Families: Tracing the Pace of Change Over Time by Oriel Sullivan. Contemporary Sociology, 36(4): 341-2.
- 2017. Gieseking, J. Geographical Imagination. In International Encyclopedia of Geography (eds. D. Richardson, N. Castree, M. Goodchild, A. Jaffrey, W. Liu, A. Kobayashi, and R. Marston). New York: Wiley-Blackwell and the Association of American Geographers.
- 2014. Gieseking, J. “Environmental Psychology.” In T. Teo, M. Barnes, Z. Gao, M. Kaiser, R. Sheivari, and B. Zabinski, eds. International Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. New York: Springer, 587-593.
- 2008. Gieseking, J. “Queer Theory.” In V.N. Parrillo, M. Andersen, J. Best, W. Kornblum, C.M. Renzetti, and M. Romero, eds. Encyclopedia of Social Problems. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 737-8.
- 2024. Gieseking, J., and C. McKinney. “Dossier: Viral Cultures.” Feminist Formations, 35(3).
- 2017-2023. Gieseking, J. ACME Editor for special issues:
- 2024. Desirable Futures, eds. S. Smith, M. Gergen, P. Vasudevan, et al.
- 2023. Fugitivity as Method, eds. L. Gross-Wyrtzen & A. Moulton, 22(5),
- 2022. Doing Critical GIS, eds. D. Mahmoudi and T. Shelton, 21(4),
- 2021. Carceral Geographies, eds. V. Massaro and G. Boyce, 20(6),
- 2021. Embodying Controversy Through Pedagogy & Various Research Papers, edited by N. Laliberte, 20(5),
- 2019. Slow Violence, edited by C. Cahill and R. Pain, 18(5),
- 2023. Gieseking, J., and D. Rubin. “Dossier: Trans Care.” Feminist Formations, 34(3).
- 2019. Gieseking, J., and E. Clancy. “Book Review Symposium – Queer Geographies.” Antipode: Radical Journal of Geography. May 30.
- 2019. Cockayne, D., J. Gieseking, & J. Lingel. Special issue of First Monday: “Queer Internet Studies.” Including contributions from T.L. Cowan, M. Fischer, O. Haimson, L. Henderson, S. McGlotten, J. Rault, C. Rios, K. Sender, A. Shaw, and M. Thakor.
- 2022. L. Mandelo and I. Monroe. To Be in Conversation: a Queer Theory Roundtable, an interview with C. Yi Zhang, E.W. Williams, J. Gieseking, R. Barrett. disClosure: A Journal of Social Theory, 30: 1-18.
- 2021. Treger, U. (Queere) Territorien, Orte, Konstellationen Lesbische und queere Produktion von Raum, kartiert von Jack Gieseking in seinem Buch »A Queer New York«. dérive, Zeitung für Stadtforschung, (82): 10
- 2019. Gieseking, J. A Tale of Two Lexes: A Lesbian-Queer Anti-Assimilationist Approach to Queering Space. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (blog). December 27.
- 2019. Uva, K. Mapping a Queer New York: An Interview with Jen Jack Gieseking. The Gotham Center for New York City History (blog). December 12.
- 2019. Slatton, B., & C. Brady. “Scholar Spotlight: Jen Jack Gieseking.” Women and Inequality in the 21st Century. New York: Routledge.
- 2016 Gieseking, J. LGBTQ Spaces and Places. LGBTQ Heritage Initiative Theme Study. National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.
- 2014. Gieseking, J. “On the Closing of the Last Lesbian Bar in San Francisco: What the Demise of the Lex Tells Us About Gentrification,” Op-Ed, Huffington Post Gay Voices. October 28, 2014.
- 2014. Gieseking, J. Envisioning Justice through Openness and the Virtual: Reflections on the Bowdoin Museum of Art Exhibition, “Fifty Years Later: The Portrayal of the Negro in American Painting.” Fifty Years Later: The Portrayal of the Negro in American Painting Virtual Exhibit.
- 2022. Jan Monk Award for Feminist Geography, Association of American Geographers.
- 2021. Glenda Laws Award for Social Justice for A Queer New York, Association of American Geographers.
- 2021. Honorable Mention, John Leo and Dana Heller Award for Best Single Work, Anthology, Multi-authored or Edited Book in LGBTQ Studies for A Queer New York, Popular Culture Association.
- 2018. Paul E. Buchanan Award for Excellence in Field Work, Interpretation, and Public Service, Vernacular Architecture Forum, for writing and reviewing contributions to LGBTQ Heritage Initiative Theme Study (2016), with M. Springate (ed.), M. Meinke, C. Hanhardt, A. Boyd, T. Burk, et al.
- 2017, 2013. Visiting Researcher, Social Media Collective, Microsoft Research New England.
- 2014-present. International Guest Fellow, Genderqueer Laboratory in Ethnographic Research, Humboldt Universität. Berlin, Germany.
- 2013. Distinction for Doctoral Dissertation, Graduate Center CUNY.
- 2013. Carolyn G. Heilbrun Dissertation Prize, Center for the Study of Women & Society, Graduate Center CUNY.
- 2013. Paul Monette-Roger Horwitz Dissertation Prize – Honorable Mention, Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, Graduate Center CUNY.
- 2010 – 2011. Visiting Scholar, Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Humboldt Universität. Berlin, Germany.
- 2009. Who’s Who in America.
- 2004. Distinguished Honors for Masters Thesis, Union Theological Seminary.
- 2022-2023, 2018. Five College Women’s Studies Research Center Fellowship, Mount Holyoke College.
- 2022. GALE-Committee on LGBT History Non-Residential Fellowship, in partnership with the American Historical Association and Queer History Conference. ($2,500)
- 2022-present. Network of Queer Contemporary History in German-Speaking Europe, Freie Universität. Berlin, Germany.
- 2017. On-Campus Finalist (Trinity College), NEH Summer Stipend.
- 2016. The Futures of American Studies Institute, Dartmouth College.
- 2016, 2015. Junior Faculty Research Fellowship, Trinity Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, Trinity College. ($150 per award)
- 2012. University Alternate, Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of British Columbia.
- 2010 – 2011. German Chancellor Fellowship for Prospective Leaders, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. (€33,000)
- 2009 – 2010. Joan Heller – Diane Bernard Fellowship in Lesbian and Gay Studies, Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies (CLAGS) at the Graduate Center CUNY. ($5,000)
- 2009 – 2010, 2008 – 2009, 2007 – 2008, 2006 – 2007, 2005 – 2006, 2004 – 2005. University Fellowship, Graduate Center CUNY. (tuition & fees)
- 2011 – 2012, 2009 – 2010, 2008 – 2009 (all declined). Five College Women’s Studies Research Center Fellowship, Five College Women’s Studies Research Center, Mount Holyoke College.
- 2008 – 2009. Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship in Women’s Studies, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. ($1,500)
- 2008 – 2009. Proshansky Dissertation Award, Graduate Center CUNY. ($20,000)
- 2008 – 2009. Fellowship, Center for Place, Culture, and Politics at the Graduate Center CUNY. ($10,000)
- 2007. Fellow, Summer Institute of Geographies of Justice, University of Georgia with Antipode. ($3,000 costs covered)
- 2005 – 2006, 2004 – 2005. Graduate Center Fellowship, Graduate Center CUNY. ($17,500)
- 2005 – 2006. Mount Holyoke College Alumnae Association 1905 Fellowship. ($1,500)
- 2003 – 2004. James D. O’Brien Psychiatry and Religion Fellowship, Union Theological Seminary. ($2,500)
- 2023-2024. NSF ADVANCE Grant on Faculty Diversity at Small, Rural Colleges (Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky). Barthelemy, R., J. Gieseking (subject matter expert), M. McCarthy (co-PI), A. Winger (co-PIs). ($11,590)
- 2022. Queer Contemporary Histories of German-speaking Europe. Dahlem Humanities Center, Freie Universität Berlin. Invited speaker by A. Rottmann, M. Lücke, & B. Gammerl. (€3,200)
- 2020 – 2021. Research and Creative Activities Program, Office of the Vice President for Research, University of Kentucky. ($5,000)
- 2020 – 2027. H.E.A.L. Medicine: Humanities Education and Anticolonial Learning for the Transformation of Medical Curriculum and Healthcare Delivery in Canada. S. de Leeuw (lead P.I.), J. Gieseking (advisor on trans health), & 39 scholars & activists across Canada & the US. SSHRC Partnership Grant: New Frontiers in Research Fund – Transformation. (CA$12 million)
- 2020, 2019. International Travel Grant. College Research Activities Award, University of Kentucky. ($1,200)
- 2019 – 2020. Year of Equity: Digital Geographies Speaker Series. With M. Zook. ($1,000)
- 2019. Indexing Grant. College Research Activities Award, University of Kentucky. ($500)
- 2017. Wallis Annenberg Research Grant, University of Southern California. ($1,000)
- 2017. Urbanization, Gender and the Global South: a Transformative Knowledge Network. L. Peake (lead P.I.), J. Gieseking (technology lead), and 28 scholars and activists with expertise and/or located in Cairo, Cochabamba, Georgetown (Guyana), Ibadan, Mumbai, Ramallah, and Shanghai. SSHRC Partnership Grant. (CA$2.23 million)
- 2017, 2016. Fleischman Endowed NYC Travel Fund, Trinity College. ($1,900 with A. Manevitz; $1,360)
- 2016, 2015. Community Learning Initiative Course Development Grant, Trinity College. ($1,000)
- 2016. Information Technology in Education Committee (ITEC) Technology Exploration Grants, Trinity College. ($1,000)
- 2014-2015. Co-Grantee, International Social Science Council Transformations to Sustainability Programme: Addressing Gendered Insecurities in the Urban Global South (Georgetown, Ibadan, Mumbai, Shanghai, Tehran). With L. Peake, G. Ogunyankin, S. Phadke, M. Huang. ($20,000)
- 2014. Gibbons Fellow Student Research Assistants, Bowdoin College. (2 x $5,500)
- 2012 – 2013. Co-Grantee, Antipode Foundation Regional Workshop Award: New York City Geographical Expedition & Institute. With M. Bissen, C. Cahill, Z. Gluck, J. Goldstein, C. Katz, A. Matles, M. McCleave Marhawal, D. Spataro, J. Tang, and M. Torre. (£10,000)
- 2012, 2008. Leanne Rivlin Travel Award, Environmental Psychology Program, Graduate Center CUNY. ($500)
- 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006. Graduate Center CUNY Zalk Travel Award. ($500)
- 2010, 2009. Urban Studies Geography Specialty Group Travel Award, Association of American Geographers. ($100)
- 2009. Lesbian and Gay Studies Student Travel Award, Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies (CLAGS) at the Graduate Center CUNY. ($500)
- 2008 – 2009. Doctoral Students Research Grant, Graduate Center CUNY. ($5,000)
- 2007, 2006. Environmental Psychology Department Travel Award, Environmental Psychology Program, Graduate Center CUNY. ($250)
Courses in Geography, American Studies, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Urban Planning & Design, and Digital & Computational Studies:
- 2023. Queer Mapping, Geography, Mount Holyoke College.
- 2023. Publishing in US Journals, Threatened Scholars Initiative (TSI) in Berlin and Bard College.
- 2022, 2020. Advanced Qualitative Methods: Doing Qualitative Research (GEO705), Geography, University of Kentucky.
- 2022, 2020, 2019. Digital Mapping & GIS, Geography, University of Kentucky.
- 2021, 2019. How the Internet Works, Geography, University of Kentucky.
- 2021. Seminar: Urban Geography, Geography, University of Kentucky.
- 2021. Social Theory Graduate Seminar: Queer Theory, Social Theory, University of Kentucky. With R. Barrett, E. Williams, & C. Zhang.
- 2019. Data Exploration in Everyday Life, Geography, University of Kentucky. 2017, 2016. Data Driven Cultures, American Studies, Trinity College.; 2015, 2014. Data Driven Societies, Digital and Computational Studies, Bowdoin College.
- 2019. Social Geography Graduate Seminar: Geographies of Queer Theory. Geography, University of Kentucky.
- 2018, 2017, 2016. Queer America, American Studies, Trinity College.
- 2018. Memory, Place, & Power, American Studies, Trinity College.
- 2017, 2016, 2015. Digital Cities, American Studies, Trinity College.
- 2017, 2016, 2015. Conflicts & Cultures in American Society: the 1980s, American Studies, Trinity College.
- 2014, 2015. Data Driven Societies, Digital and Computational Studies, Bowdoin College. Co-taught with Eric Gaze. [See also Data Driven Cultures above.]
- 2014. The Digital Image of the City, Digital and Computational Studies, Bowdoin College.
- 2013. Seminar in the City: Queer(ing) New York, graduate seminar offered in-person and online, Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies (CLAGS), Graduate Center CUNY.
- 2012. Environmental Research Methods, Sustainable Interior Environments (M.A. program), Fashion Institute of Technology SUNY.
- 2007, 2008. Environmental Psychology & Geographical Theory, Interior Design Department, Pratt Institute.
- 2005. Human/Nature: Perception of the Environment, Geography, Mount Holyoke College.
- 2022-2023. Research Fellow, Five College Women’s Studies Research Center, Hampshire College.
- 2009 – 2012. Instructional Technology Fellow, Macaulay Honors College CUNY.
- 2007 – 2009. Writing Fellow, Hunter College CUNY.
- 2006 – 2008. Research Assistant, Public Space Research Group. New York.
- 2004 – 2007. Administrative Associate, WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly, The Feminist Press. New York.
- 2002-2004. Archival Assistant, Union Theological Seminary Archives, Columbia University.
- 2002. Poetry Editor and Marketing Associate, Soft Skull Publishing. Acquired the last book of Kenneth Koch, The Art of Impossibility.
- 2001-2002. Editorial Assistant, Noon Literary Journal.
- 1999 – 2002. Management Consultant, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. New York.
- 2025 (forthcoming). Gieseking, J. “Queerying L.G.B.T. Dating Apps: What’s So Queer and Trans about Lex, Grindr, Bumble, and Tinder.” Ostrom Workshop, Indiana University, Bloomington.
- 2024. Gieseking, J. “Dyke Bars*: Queer-Trans Spaces for the End Times.” Department of History Taft Lecture in Public History, University of Cincinatti.
- 2023. Gieseking, J. “Trans-ing the Map.” North American Cartographic Information Society (NACIS), Pittsburgh.
- 2023. Gieseking, J. “Reflections from a Cis Discipline.” Society & Space Keynote at the Association of American Geographers, Denver.
- 2023. Gieseking, J. “TQF Data Care: The Ethics of Data Visualization.” Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation (IMSI), University of Chicago.
- 2022. Gieseking, J. “What QT Geographies Do We Come From? And Which Shall We Build Together?”Reconnections, Recollections, Recognitions: An Early-Career Queer Geography Workshop, University of Edinburgh.
- 2022. Gieseking, J. “Slantwise: a Trans Digital Ethics of Care for Critical GIS.” Department of Geography, Hofstra University.
- 2022. Gieseking, J. “Queering the City: Beyond Current Planning Theory & Practices.” Safeplaces (Stockholm) & Swedish Federation for LGBTQI Rights.
- 2022. Gieseking, J. “Visualizing Trans Care: Ethical Trans Queerfeminist DataViz with Trans Tumblr.” Department of Gender Studies, Queens University, Toronto.
- 2022. Gieseking, J. “Queering Settler Cosmopolitanism: A Coda for A Queer New York.” LGBTQ+ Research Community, Israeli Sociological Society.
- 2022. Gieseking, J. “A Queer New York – A Queer Berlin.” Dahlem Centre for the Humanities, Freie Universität.
- 2022 (keynote). Gieseking, J. “Homourbanism, Lesbian Bars, and Queering the Myth of Neighborhood Liberation.” Jan Monk Distinguished Lecture in Feminist Geography, University of Arizona and Association of American Geographers, New York.
- 2022, 2021 (keynote). Gieseking, J. “Constellations in Reflection: Translating Everyday Queer and Trans Lives into Queer Feminist Theory.” Bard College Orientation.
- 2022. Gieseking, J. “The Limits & Possibilities of Queer Mapping: GIS Pedagogy for the Classroom.” Grambling State University.
- 2022. Gieseking, J. “Size Matters to Lesbians Too: Queer Trans Feminist Interventions into Data Visualizations.” Institute for the Quantitative Study of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (QSIDE).
- 2021. Gieseking, J. “Trans-ing the Map.” National GIS Day Speaker, Indiana University – Bloomington.
- 2021. Gieseking, J. “Visualizing the ‘Invisible’: Methods for Studying Trans Digital Spaces.” North Carolina State University Libraries.
- 2021 (keynote). Gieseking, J. “On Feminist Responsibility, Queer Accountability, and Trans Care: Visualizing the Invisible of Trans Tumblr.” Conference of Irish Geographers.
- 2021. Gieseking, J., and J. Moss. “Queering Lockdowns.” Second Tuesdays at the LGBT Center of New York City.
- 2021. Gieseking, J., B. Summers, with D. Fields. “From ‘Upscaling’ to Uhauling: Perspectives on Black/Queer Gentrification in Conversation.” Center for Place, Culture, & Politics, CUNY Graduate Center.
- 2021. Gieseking, J., B. Jones, C. McKinney, S. Smith-Cruz. “Archiving Lesbian Memory, Stewarding Lesbian Futures.” GLBT Historical Society of San Francisco.
- 2020, 2019. Gieseking, J. “A Queer New York [Book Talk].” Queer Politics Seminar, Princeton University; Amsterdam Research Centre for Gender and Sexuality, University of Amsterdam; Department of Geography, University of Leicester; Department of English, Mississippi State University; Department of Geography, University of Washington; Department of Geography, University of Hawai?i M?noa.
- 2020. Gieseking, J., and C. McKinney, in conversation with K. Tongson. “Queer Archives, Queer Terrains.” ONE Archives, University of Southern California.
- 2020. Gieseking, J. “Wherever the Queers Wander: Tracing a Historical Arc of Trans Queer Feminist Research in Urban, Rural, and Digital Geographies.” The Treacey Lecture, Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- 2018. Gieseking, J. “Queer Accumulation of Dispossession.” Day of Community Symposium: Queer New York and Urban Performance in the 1970s and 1980s, Leslie-Lohman Museum/Gallery & Department of Performance Studies, NYU.
- 2018. Gieseking, J. “Constellations of Queer History in New York City, 1983-2008.” Rainbow Center, University of Connecticut.
- 2018. Gieseking, J. “Queer Mapping and Geospatial Big Data.” Department of Geography and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Pennsylvania State University.
- 2018. Gieseking, J. “A Queer New York, Reflections.” Making Space for Interaction, Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, New Museum.
- 2018 (keynote). Gieseking, J. “Constellating Queer History: Radical Mapping on Behalf of Public Humanities.” Day of Digital Humanities Conference, Carleton College.
- 2018. Gieseking, J. “Constellations of Queer History: Radical Mapping of Geospatial Big Data.” American Studies Program & Digital Humanities Learning Community, University of Richmond.
- 2017. Gieseking, J. “What’s Queer about Queer Spaces Now?” Oslo Pride, Norway.
- 2017. Gieseking, J. “A Queer New York: the Dyked Geographies of Greenwich Village, 1983-2008.” Spatial Mapping Library, University of California, Los Angeles.
- 2017. Gieseking, J. “Constellating Queer History: Radical Mapping and the Politics of Storytelling.” Mapping for Social Justice Symposium, Yale School of Architecture, Yale University.
- 2017. Gieseking, J. “New York, Queer: Geographies of Lesbians, Dykes, and Queer Women.” Center for Urban and Global Studies, Trinity College.
- 2017. Gieseking, J. & J. Lingel. “What’s Queer about Queer Internet Studies Now?” Queer Internet Studies Symposium, University of Pennsylvania.
- 2016. Gieseking, J. “‘Crazy, yes. But not tiny.’: Networked #FtM Culture, Identity, and Knowledge Production on Tumblr.” Digital Humanities Institute, Yale University.
- 2016 (keynote). Gieseking, J. “Size Matters to Lesbians Too: Queer Trans Feminist Interventions into Data, Algorithms, and Visualizations.” Digital Spaces Unconference, Center for Experimental Humanities, Bard College.
- 2015. Gieseking, J. “Queering the Map.” Futures Initiative and HASTAC@CUNY, CUNY Graduate Center.
- 2015. Gieseking, J. “Personal/Political Maps, Feminist Maps: Theoretical Reflections on Spatial Methods for Action Research.” Social Justice Research: Workshop with Emerging Feminist Scholars, Society for Women in Geography, San Diego State University.
- 2014. Gieseking, J. “Reading American and German National Imaginaries of Gender and Sexuality through New York City and Berlin.” Russian Friends of the Alexander von Humbodlt Foundation, St. Petersburg State University, Russia.
- 2014. Gieseking, J. “Dyke Publics, Privates, and Queer New York.” Ethnicity, Race, and Migration Program, American Studies Program, and Public Humanities Program, Yale University.
- 2014. Gieseking, J. “Where Does Queer Life Go after the Gayborhood?: Reflections from Queer Spaces in New York City.” Pride House. Olso, Norway.
- 2014. Gieseking, J. “So Far, So Close: Feminism in the Production of Lesbian-Queer Spaces in Berlin and New York City, 1983-2008.” Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Humboldt Universität. Berlin, Germany.
- 2014. Gieseking, J. “Queering the Future of Radical Geography” (keynote). Spatial Theory Symposium, Society for Radical Geography, Spatial Theory, and Everyday Life, Atlanta, Georgia.
- 2014. Gieseking, J. “Considering ‘Spatial Justice’ through the Lens of Queer New York.” Department of Geography, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York.
- 2014. Gieseking, J. “The Gendering of Queer New York.” Women’s and Gender Studies, Colby College, Waterville, Maine.
- 2013. Gieseking, J. “(Data)Visualizing the Lesbian-Queer History of New York City.” Digital & Computational Studies, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine.
- 2013. Gieseking, J. “Visualizing Geography: Maps, Space, Place, and Pedagogy.” Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory (HASTAC).
- 2013. Gieseking, J. “Queer New York: Lesbians’ and Queer Women’s Geographies of Social and Spatial Justice in New York City, 1983-2008.” Geography Department, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA.
- 2012. Gieseking, J. “Das Berlinprojekt, Das Newyorkprojekt: Comparative Urbanisms of Lesbians’ and Queer Women’s Spaces and Experiences of Justice and Oppression in New York City andBerlin, 1983 – 2008.” SpaceTime Research Collective, Graduate Center CUNY.
- 2011. Gieseking, J. “Mental Mapping as a Participatory Method” with graduate student workshop. Department of Geography, Durham University, Durham, UK.
- 2009. Gieseking, J. “Rethinking an ‘Invisible’ Framework for a Visible World: Lesbians’ and Queer Women’s Spaces and Economies in New York City (1983-2008).” Geography Department, Clark University, Worcester, MA.
- 2009. Gieseking, J. “How Do We Write the Histories of the Silenced and Invisible?: What Lesbians’ and Queer Women’s New York City Places Over Time Tell Us about Justice.” Women’s Studies Department, Kingsborough Community College CUNY. New York.
- 2021 (forthcoming). Gieseking, J. “Making Queer Time: Reading Queer Theories of Time to Rethink Queering Space and Time.” Association of American Geographers, Seattle, WA.
- 2021 (forthcoming). Gieseking, J. “‘I Didn’t Know We Had So Much History’: the Politics of Mapping Lesbian and Queer History Queer Archival Politics: Making and Digitally Remediating Queer Life and Histories.” SCMS, Denver.
- 2019. Gieseking, J., & C. Hall. “In Her/His/Their Words: Topic Modelling Trans Tumblr.” HASTAC, Vancouver.
- 2019. Gieseking, J. “Accumulation of Dispossession & Racial Capitalism.” Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C.
- 2018. Gieseking, J. “Queering ‘Lesbian Land’: Black and Brown Lesbian and Queer Experience of Gentrification in New York City, 1983-2008.” Association of American Geographers, New Orleans.
- 2017. Gieseking, J. “The Accumulation of Dispossession: Lesbian-Queer Urban Cultures and “Failed” Cosmopolitanisms.” American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.
- 2017. Gieseking, J. “Re-Membering Queer Networks: Crisis in Production of the LGBTQ Non-Profit Industrial Complex.” Society for Social Studies of Science, Boston.
- 2017. Gieseking, J. “Data Visualizing Lesbian-Queer Lives: Imbricating the Quant/Qual Binary.” Berkshire Women’s History Conference, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY.
- 2017. Gieseking, J. “The Digital Turn for the Spatially Turned: DataViz in Geography.” Microsoft Research Mini-Conference at the Association of American Geographers, Boston.
- 2017. Gieseking, J. “Constellating Queer History: Radical Mapping and the Politics of Storytelling.” Mapping Spatial Justice, Yale University, New Haven, CT.
- 2016. Gieseking, J. “Data Visualizations: Putting the Digital Humanities and Social Data Sciences in Conversation.” Digital Humanities Lightning Paper Session, American Studies Association, Denver.
- 2016. Gieseking, J. “Networked #FtM Culture & Medical Knowledge Production on Tumblr.” Trans Studies Conference, University of Arizona.
- 2016. Gieseking, J. “Size Matters to Lesbians Too: Queer Trans Feminist Interventions in the Scale of Big Data.” Association of American Geographers, San Francisco.
- 2015. Gieseking, J. “Is This Liberation?: NYC Lesbian-Queer Women Im/mobilities as Gentrified / Gentrifiers, 1983-2008.” Association of American Geographers, Chicago.
- 2014. Gieseking, J. “The Qualitative Role in Big Data: What In/Visibilized Lesbian-Queer Life Can Offer the Geoweb.” Association of American Geographers, Tampa.
- 2013. Futch, V., J. Gieseking, & E. Manoff. “Exploring the Juncture of Geography, Justice, and Critical Psychology through Mapping Methods.” Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology, CUNY Graduate Center, New York.
- 2013. Gieseking, J. “Creating Digital Evidence of Queer Anti/Gentrification Efforts in the Our Queer Lives & Space Project.” Misunderstanding Gentrification, Pratt Institute, New York City.
- 2013. Gieseking, J. “At Home and Abroad, from Promised Land to Land of the Free: Tracing Contemporary Pinkwashing in Everyday Lesbian-Queer Lives in NYC.” Homonationalism & Pinkwashing, Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies at the Graduate Center CUNY, New York.
- 2012. Gieseking, J. “Queering the Right to the City: The Geographical Imagination of Lesbian Cities in Chako Paul, New York, and Berlin.” American Studies Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- 2012. Gieseking, J. “The Dyke Ga(y)ze: Reinterpreting LGBTQ Politics of Visibility through Lesbians’ and Queer Women’s Spaces and Experiences of Justice and Oppression in NYC, 1983-2008.” Association of American Geographers, New York.
- 2012. Gieseking, J. “A Countertopography of Pinkwashing.” The Fifth Israeli Conference of Qualitative Research, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- 2011. Gieseking, J. “The Space between Our Destiny and Their Reality: Understanding the Lesbian-Queer Geographical Imagination in the Everyday Productions of Urban Space in New York City, 1983-2008.” American Studies Association, Baltimore.
- 2011. Gieseking, J. “Is This Liberation?: Reckoning with the (In)Justice of the Mobilities, Immobilities, and Moorings of Lesbians & Queer Women as Gentrified and Gentrifiers.” Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers, London.
- 2011. Gieseking, J. “Dyke Bodies in Motion: How to Think about Lesbian-Queer Spaces Beyond Social Networks, and Why It’s Important Today.” International Conference of Critical Geographers, Frankfurt, Germany.
- 2011. Gieseking, J. “Living in an (In)Visible World: Lesbians’ and Queer Women’s Spaces in Berlin.” Warum Deutschland? Perspektiven der internationalen Zusammenarbeit im Bereich Wissenschaft, Ausbildung, Kultur, Wirtschaft und Politik, Assoziation der Stipendiaten des Bundeskanzlerprogramms der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung in der Russischen Föderation, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
- 2010. Gieseking, J. “What are We Doing Queer?: The Present State of Geography and Queer Theory in a Case Study of Lesbians’ Spatialities in New York City.” Mapping Desire: Where are the Critical Geographies of Sexualities? (in absentia), Université Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France.
- 2010. Gieseking, J. “Getting Over the Neighborhood: Contesting the Ideal LGBTQ Space via Everyday Productions of Lesbians’ and Queer Women’s Urban Spatialities (New York City, 1983-2008).” Association of American Geographers, Washington D.C.
- 2009. Gieseking, J. “Hey, Gay, Going My Way?: Theorizing Lesbians’ and Queer Women’s Urban Productions of Space as Constellations (1983-2008).” Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas.
- 2008. Gieseking, J. “Mental Mapping as a Methodology: Its Evolution, Its Usefulness, and the Ways in Which They May Be Analyzed Them.” Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers, London.
- 2008. Gieseking, J. “Gracious Empowerment Vs. Liberal Feminism in the Twentieth Century: Women’s Gender and Social Class Identity Development on an Elite College Campus.” Association of American Geographers, Boston.
- 2020. Anacker, K.B., P. Catterall, J. Francisco, J. Gieseking. “Queering Public Spaces.” The Paris Urbanism Agency / Apur, Paris, France.
- 2020. Collison, C., C. Forrest, J. Gieseking, S. Holland-Muter, B. Rink, L. Scott, “Geographical Perspectives on Sexuality, Gender, and Race.” Department of Geography, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.
- 2019. Gieseking, J., D. Kim, L. Klein, S. McGlotten, M. Onuoha, M. Posner, D. Thorat. “Data as Terror, Data as Transformation.” American Studies Association, Honolulu.
- 2019 (forthcoming). Daigle, M., S. de Leeuw, J. Gieseking, S. Hunt, V. Sloan Morgan, M. Whetung. “Dangerous Desires.” Association of American Geographers, Denver.
- 2019. Gieseking, J., M. Gilbert, B. Jefferson, A. Leszczynski, W. Payne, & E. Slager. “Digital Geographies Keynote.” Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C.
- 2019. Curley, A., M. Daigle, D. DasGupta, A. Datta, L. Eaves, J. Gieseking, C. Hawthorne, B. Mullings, N. Oswin, G. Pratt, & M. Ybarra. “Enough!” Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C.
- 2018. McFarland, S., J. Gieseking, A. Hamraie, & J. Thatcher. “Critical Digital Geographies for Justice.” Association of American Geographers, New Orleans.
- 2017. Atienza, P.M.L., L. Ferris, J. Gieseking (discussant), L. Mackenzie, S. McGlotten, & M. Thakor. “Digital Deception and the Queer Life of Data.” American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.
- 2017. Datta, A., J. DeFilippis, K. Derickson, J. Gieseking, M. Purcell, A. Simone, & E. Swyngedouw. “What Should Radical Politics Mean Today?” Association of American Geographers, Boston.
- 2017. Andrucki, M., L. Eaves, J. Gieseking, G. Hartal, N. Lewis, J. Podmore, F. Rouhani, D. Seitz. “Sexuality & Space 20+1 III: Futures.” Association of American Geographers, Boston.
- 2017. Donovan. G., J. Gieseking (chair), K. Gregory, D. Greene, & D. Joseph. “The Labor Geographies of Digital Studies: Theories, Methods, and Interdisciplinary Engagements.” Association of American Geographers, Boston.
- 2017. Gieseking, J. (discussant/chair), O. Haimson, C Rios, A. Shaw, M. Thakor. “The Un/State of Queer Internet Studies.” Queer Internet Studies Symposium, University of Pennsylvania.
- 2016. Gieseking, J. (discussant/chair), C. Miller-Idriss, J. Schuster-Craig, B. Streitwieser, X. Tan, & W Wheeler. “Responses to and Impacts of Migration.” U.S. German Chancellor Fellowship Alumni Meeting, Washington, D.C.
- 2016. Covey, E., J. Gieseking, E. Belanger, A.E. Hernandez, & P. McGreevey. “Geography, Maps, and Visions of Home in the Classroom.” American Studies Association, Denver.
- 2016. Bergmann, L., C. Dalton, J. Gieseking, & D. O’Sullivan. “Speculative Critical GIS.” Association of American Geographers, San Francisco.
- 2016. Euraque, D., J. Gieseking, B. Notar, & M. Risser. “Cultural Heritage and the Tourism Industry.” Trinity Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, Trinity College.
- 2015. Dougherty, J., J. Gieseking, & C. Lebel. “Open for Collaboration: Scholarship in the Age of Open Access.” Library & Information Technology, Trinity College.
- 2015. Dumas, M., N. Erevelles, J. Gieseking, S. Grande, L. Patel, E. Tuck, & K.W. Yang. “Presidential Plenary: Toward What Justice? Describing Diverse Dreams of Justice in Education.” American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
- 2014. Cahill, C., G. Donovan, D. Fields, J. Gieseking, P. Hopkins, J.H.J. Han, C. Katz, S. Low. “Authors Meets Critics Book Discussion: The People, Place, and Space Reader.” Association of American Geographers, Tampa.
- 2014. Breen, J., R. Burns, J. Eckert, M.M. Evans, M. Finn, J. Gieseking, P.A. Johnson, J. Lingel, S.B. Liu, N. Milholland, B. Poore, A. Sandell, A. Shears, J. Shin, S. Stehle, M. Wang. “alt.conference on Big Data: Lightning Panels.” Association of American Geographers, Tampa.
- 2014. Andrucki, M., S. Bremer, P. Doan, J. Gieseking (chair), N. Husakouskaya. “Trans* Geographies.” Association of American Geographers, Tampa
- 2013. Botein, H., J. Gieseking, K. Goldstein, M. Maharawal, and S. Schulman. “Challenging Gentrification and Market-Based Planning.” Misunderstanding Gentrification, Pratt Institute, New York City.
- 2013. Davis, J., C. Dunbar-Hester, B. Fiore-Silfvast, J. Gieseking (chair), J. Michalczyk, and G. Neff. “Bodies & Bits.” Theorizing the Web (#TtW13), Graduate Center CUNY.
- 2013. Abbott, A., J. Gieseking, and B. McGarth. “Spatial Queerness.” Queer Urban Geographies, Parsons The New School for Urban Design, New York City.
- 2012. Cahill, C., G.T. Donovan, M. Fine, J. Gieseking, C. Katz, S. Opotow, et al. “Bodies, Spaces, & Protest: What Critical Social Psychology & Geography Say to One Another.” Association of American Geographers, New York.
- 2012. Caldwell, H., J. Gieseking (chair), R. Liebert, W. Liu, E. Manoff, and P. Segalo. “Reflecting on Critical Methods of Inquiry: A Workshop on Participatory Action Research.” The Fifth Israeli Conference of Qualitative Research, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- 2010. Davis, M., D. Edel, J. Enszer, J. Gibbs, J. Gieseking (discussant and chair), and S. Soderling. “Lesbian Spaces in the 1970s.” Lesbians in the 1970s, A Conference, Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, Graduate Center CUNY.
- 2010. Chitty, C., D. Cloud, J. Gieseking (discussant), and J. Gilmore. “Sexuality and Marriage.” Historical Materialism Conference, New York City.
- 2008. Bigger, P., D. Correla, J. Fluri, J. Gieseking, L. Lands, K.C. Somdahi-Sands, and A. Trauger. “Radical Teaching in Critical Geographies: Classroom Activities for Radical Geography.” Association of American Geographers, Boston.
- 2007. Chawla, L., G. Donovan, J. Gieseking, R. Hart, Y. Hung, L. Rivlin, S. Saegert, and M. Theeman. “The Future of Environmental Psychology.” 2007 Environmental Psychology Conference: A Tribute to Leanne Rivlin and Harold Proshansky, Graduate Center CUNY.
- 2006. Garrett-Goodyear, H., and J. Gieseking. “Symposium: College Citizenship – What Is It & Ought It Do?” Mount Holyoke College Collaborative Learning Project, New York and South Hadley, MA.
- 2005. Campagna, G., J. Gieseking, K. Libman, D, Luey, and L. Tenney. “Policy & Design for Housing: Lessons of the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) 1968-1975.” Exhibit at the American Institute of Architects, New York; presentation at the Graduate Center CUNY.
- 2022. Co-Organizer: C. Riley Snorton as Queer Trans Geographies, Black Geographies, Society & Space, and ACME Keynote. With R. Rosenberg, J. Barr, L. Eaves, and N. Oswin. Association of American Geographers, Seattle, WA.
- 2021 (rescheduled/forthcoming). Co-Organizer: Pre-Conference. “Mapping Desire at 25 at the Conference of Irish Geographers.” With K. Browne and G. Brown. Dublin, Ireland.
- 2019. Keynote Introduction for Julia Serano. University of Kentucky Gender & Women’s Studies Conference, Lexington.
- 2017 ; 2014. Co-Organizer: Conference. “Queer Internet Studies.” With J. Lingel. Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania; Columbia University in association with the Brown Institute for Media Innovation, New York, NY.
- 2014. Co-Organizer: Paper Sessions. “Digital Geographies, Geographies of Digitalia.” Association of American Geographers, Tampa.
- 2013. Chair, “Queer Histories, Queer Methods.” American Studies Association, Washington, D.C.
- 2013. Co-Organizer: Lecture, Panels, Hackathon. “Summit: Resisting Criminalization.” With C. Robinson, J. Daniels, and M. Gold. JustPublics@365, Graduate Center CUNY, New York.
- 2013. Co-Organizer: Lecture, Panels, Hackathon. “Summit: Re-imagining Scholarly Communication for the 21st Century.” With C. Robinson, J. Daniels, and M. Gold. JustPublics@365, Graduate Center CUNY, New York.
- 2013. Co-Organizer: Conference. “Theorizing the Web 2013.” With N. Jurgenson, P.J. Rey, and J. Daniels. JustPublics@365, Graduate Center CUNY, New York.
- 2012. Co-Organizer, Paper Session. “Right to the City! But Right to Empire?: The Unequal Geopolitics of Identity and Belonging.” With J.-F. Cheng, J. Lovaas, and K. Holmes. American Studies Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- 2012. Co-Organizer, Panel. “Bodies, Spaces, & Protest: What Critical Social Psychology & Geography Say to One Another.” With C. Katz. Association of American Geographers, New York.
- 2012. Chair, Paper Session. “Sexualities on the Move.” Association of American Geographers, New York.
- 2012. Discussant, Paper Session. “Feminist Research Methods and ‘the Everyday.’” Association of American Geographers, New York.
- 2010. Co-Organizer, Paper Sessions. “Materializing Queer Space: Towards a Radical Pragmatics.” With M. Detamore. Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C.
- 2009. Organizer, Paper Sessions. “Space & Identity || Speaking From and Across Categories: [1] Connecting through the Everyday; [2] In/Through/Of Bodies; [3] Mobilities in Space, Time, and Identity; [4] (Re)(De)(Un)Constructing Place.” Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas.
- 2008. Co-Organizer, Conference. “Fifteenth Annual Mini-Conference on Critical Geography.” University of Ohio, Athens, OH.
- 2007. Chair, Conference. “What’s Feminist about Feminist Pedagogy?: The Second Annual Feminist Pedagogy Conference.” With A. Levy. Graduate Center CUNY, New York.
- 2007. Co-Organizer, Conference. “The Global & the Intimate: Gender Studies and the Present Crisis of Global Citizenship – Mount Holyoke College Gender Studies Conference.” With M. Renda, E. Townsley, H. Garrett-Goodyear, C. Katz, N.K. Miller, G. Pratt, and V. Rosner. South Hadley, MA.
- 2020-2022. Transgender Health Advocate, LGBTQ Affinity Group, University of Kentucky.
- 2020. Guest Speaker, Apple Partnership Academic Advisory Committee, University of Kentucky.
- 2019. Arts & Sciences New Faculty Orientation Speaker, University of Kentucky.
- 2019-2022. Geography Colloquium Committee, University of Kentucky. Chair, 2019-2022.
- 2019-2022. Annual Geography Prize Day Committee, University of Kentucky.
- 2019-2021. Sponsored Sessions Program Coordinator, Sexuality & Space Specialty Group / renamed Queer & Trans Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers.
- 2019. University iPads-in-the-Classroom Initiative, University of Kentucky.
- 2019. Arts & Sciences Orientation Speaker, University of Kentucky.
- 2018-present. Geography Graduate Studies Committee, University of Kentucky.
- 2018-present. Digital Geographies Committee, University of Kentucky.
- 2017. Member, Digital Scholarship Coordinator Search Committee, Trinity College.
- 2016-2018. Member, Community Learning Initiative Advisory Group, Trinity College.
- 2015-2016. Member, Vice President of Communications and Marketing Search Committee, Trinity College.
- 2015-2021. Board of Directors, Rainbow Heritage Network: National Preservation Advisory Board for US LGBTQ Sites; Secretary, 2016-2021.
- 2014-2017. LGBTQ Monuments Advisory Council of Scholars, National Parks Service, United States Department of the Interior.
- 2013-2018. Board of Directors, Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies (CLAGS), Graduate Center CUNY.
- 2013-2015. Curriculum Committee, Digital and Computational Studies Initiative, Bowdoin College.
- 2013-2015. Data Services Committee, Digital and Computational Studies Initiative, Bowdoin College.
- 2013-present. Founding Member, Authors Alliance.
- 2011-2013. Founding Member, Internet Research Team, Graduate Center CUNY.
- 2011 – present. Member, Committee for the Geographic Perspectives on Women (GPOW) Research Group, Association of American Geographers. Webmaster: GPOW ( and Gender & Geography Bibliography (
- 2010 – 2012. Member, Governance Committee, Graduate Center CUNY.
- 2009 – 2011. Mentor, College & Community Fellowship for Formerly Incarcerated Women, CUNY Baccalaureate Program.
- 2008 – 2010. Member, Advisory Board of the Women’s Studies Certificate Program, Graduate Center CUNY.
- 2007 – present. Member, The Public Science Project: Participatory Action, Research & Design for a Just World, Graduate Center CUNY.
- 2007 – 2012. Member and Founder, Spatial Scholars Study Group, renamed the SpaceTime Research Collective (STREAC), Graduate Center CUNY. Co-Chair, 2007 – 2008, 2009 – 2010.
- 2007 – 2012. Member, QUNY: Queer CUNY Graduate Students Collective, Graduate Center CUNY. Chair, 2007 – 2010.
- 2006 – 2014. Chair, Founder, and Member, Young Alumnae Annual Fund Committee, Mount Holyoke College.
- 2006 – 2013. Member, Annual Fund Committee, Mount Holyoke College.
- 2006 – 2010. Executive Committee, Environmental Psychology, Graduate Center CUNY.
- 2005 – 2008. Curriculum Committee, Environmental Psychology, Graduate Center CUNY.
- 2005 – 2006. Admissions Committee, Environmental Psychology, Graduate Center CUNY.
- 2024 (replayed), 2023. The Brian Lehrer Show, with J. Gass-Poore. “How NYC’s LGBTQ+ Bars Thrive.” NPR. June 29,
- 2023. Carter, D. “U.S. census and other surveys likely undercount the number of LGBTQ+ people living in Texas.” The Texas Tribune. August 23,
- 2023. Carrazana, C. “ Lesbian bars have endured — with community, grit and a little reinvention .” The 19th. June 12,
- 2023. Gass-Poore, J. “LGBTQ+ bars are closing across the country. But in NYC, they are thriving.” Gothamist. June 16,
- 2023. Kumamoto, Ian. 2023. “When a ‘Queer’ Party Is Overrun By Straight People.” Vice (blog). May 9, 2023.
- 2023. Mattheis, L. “‘Queer Spaces and D*ke Bars’ with Jack Gieseking.” Queer Lit podcast. April 4,
- 2023. de la Cretaz, Frankie. “Why Is It So Hard For Trans People To Find A Respectful Hookup Online?” HuffPo, April 28,
- 2023. Bauer, Evelyn. “What Is The Hanky Code? The History Behind Gay Flagging and How to Do It Today.” February 28,
- 2023. Berg, Nicholas. “Find Out How Gale’s Resources Are Helping Researchers Break New Ground.” Gale Digital Humanities Newsletter.
- 2022. Mahoney, Maighdlin. “Covid is a Drag.” CRJU 1280am (podcast).
- 2021. Piepenburg, Erik. “Still Here and Still Queer: The Gay Restaurant Endures,” The New York Times, June 2.
- 2021. Advisor, Jägermeister (Global), The Lesbian Bar Project, Documentary (NYC, SF, DC, Mobile).
Press coverage for A Queer New York: Geographies of Lesbians, Dykes, & Queers:- 2023. Berg, Nicholas. “Impact Report: Find Out How Gale’s Resources Are Helping Researchers Break New Ground.” Gale Archives of Sexuality.
- 2022. Hoeffner, Melissa Kravitz. “Where Are All the Lesbian Bars? Coming to a Place Near You.” The New York Times, February 26, sec. Style.
- 2022. Ketchum, Alex. “Feminist Nexus.” Feminist Ingredients for the Revolution (podcast).
- 2022. Rimby, Andrew. “What’s Queer Life Like in NYC? Discussing “A Queer New York” with Dr. Jack Gieseking.” The Ivory Tower Boiler Room Podcast.
- 2021. Kish, Robin. “We’ll Always Be Here: Jack Gieseking on the Enduring Power of Queer Spaces.” GO Magazine. July 2.
- 2021. Juzwiak, Rich. “Forty Years of Queering the Suburbs,” Jezebel, May 11.
- 2021. Beetham, Gwendolyn, and Davy Knittle. “The Future of Lesbian and Queer Space with Jack Gieseking.” Gender Jawn: the Gender & Sexuality Studies Podcast of the University of Pennsylvania (podcast).
- 2021. Gattuso, Reina. “This Project Maps 25 Years of New York’s Lesbian Nightlife.” Atlas Obscura. March 9.
- 2021. Treger, Ulf. “(Queere) Territorien, Orte Konstellationen: Lesbische und queer Produktion von Raum, kartiert von Jack Gieseking in seinem Buch >>A Queer New York<<.” dérive – Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung Magazin, 10-15.
- 2019. Bénichou, Lo. “Celebrating LGBTQIA+ Spaces” Mapbox: Location is Personal. June 25.
- 2018. Moore, Jacob. “Constellating Queer Spaces.” Urban Omnibus. February 7.
- 2021. Alpañés, Enrique. “Feminismo de datos: por qué la inteligencia artificial es machista y cómo podemos cambiarla,” Yorokobu, May 18.
- 2020. VanDerWeff, Emily. “Trans Twitter and the Beauty of Online Anonymity.” Vox. September 23.
- 2019. Gattuso, Reina. “Lesbian bars are disappearing. We spent a night at one that’s still standing.” Washington Post: The Lily. June 27.
- 2019. Bénichou, Lo. “Celebrating LGBTQIA+ Spaces” Mapbox: Location is Personal. June 25.
- 2018. Moore, Jacob. 2018. “Constellating Queer Spaces.” Urban Omnibus. February 7.
- 2017. Greenwood, F. “In the Age of Trump, We Need to Protect Map Databases.” Slate. May 11.
- 2017. Knittle, D. “Bodies-Cities: Queering Geo Information.” Jacket2: Queer Urban Poetics. November 13.
- 2016. Pressley, Linda. “Beyond Binary.” BBC World Services. April 23.
- 2015. Giang, Vivian. “What it’s like to be young, gender neutral and in the job market.” Fortune Magazine. October 20.
- 2015. Pasulka, Nicole. “The History of Lesbian Bars.” Vice. August 17.
- 2015. Giang, Vivian. “Transgender is yesterday’s news: How companies are grappling with the ‘no gender’ society.” Fortune Magazine. June 29, 2015.
- 2015. “Looking Back: A reprise at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art.” Museum: Magazine of the American Alliance of Museums. February, 38-39.
- 2014. “Only Lesbian Bar In San Francisco Closes Its Door,” On-Air Interview, Huffington Post Live. October 30, 2014.
- 2014. “On the Closing of the Last Lesbian Bar in San Francisco: What the Demise of the Lex Tells Us About Gentrification,” Op-Ed, Huffington Post Gay Voices. October 28, 2014
- 2014. Goldfine, R. “Bowdoin Prof. To Join Federal LGBT Historic Landmark Group.” Bowdoin College Communications Office. May 30, 2014.
- 2013. Israel, David. “Jen Jack Gieseking – New Media and Data Visualization Specialist.” Bowdoin College Communications Office. October 10, 2013.
- 2013. Long, Kat, Jacqueline Frances, and Andrew Collins. “100 Women We Love: Jen Jack Gieseking, Ph.D.” Go Magazine. June 14, 2013.
- 2012. Knoblauch, Heidi. “Orals and Comps Unpacked: An Interview with Jen Jack Gieseking (Podcast).” Orals and Comps Unpacked. January 14, 2012.
- 2012. Beetham, Gwendolyn. “Lesbian in the city: Maria Rodó-de-Zárate and Jen Gieseking, two academic feminists, examine lesbian identity in public spaces.” August 25, 2012.
- 2012. Beetham, Gwendolyn. “The Academic Feminist: Lesbians in Space.” August 23, 2012.
- 2006. Winter, Erica C. “This Place We Know: Mount Holyoke’s Architecture Reveals the Changing Roles of Women.” Mount Holyoke Alumnae Quarterly. Summer 2006.
- 1999. Lublin, Joann S. “Some Hot Job Seekers Pick Up A Number of Personal Recruiters.” Wall Street Journal. August 10, 1999.
- 2019-2023, Managing Editor, ACME: International Journal of Critical Geographies; 2017-2024, Editorial Collective Member.
- 2016-present, Annals of Associations of American Geographers.
- 2013-2019, Gender, Place and Culture.
- 2015-2018, WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly.
- 2007-2013, Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy.
ACME: International Journal of Critical Geographies
American Quarterly
The Annals of the Association of American Geographers
Antipode: A Journal of Radical Geography
Big Data & Society
Canadian Geographer / Le Géopgraphie Canadien
Children, Youth and Environments
City & Community
Cultural Geographies
Environment and Planning A
Environment and Planning D: Society & Space
Gender & Society
Gender, Place and Culture
Journal of the History of Sexuality
Journal of Lesbian Studies
New Media & Society
Qualitative Research
Social & Cultural Geography
Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy
Urban Studies
Visual Communication
WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly
2017 – present. American Association of Anthropologists.
2016 – present. Berkshire Conference of Women Historians.
2013 – present. Association of Internet Researchers.
2009 – present. American Studies Association.
2009 – 2013. Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.
2008 – present. Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers.
2005 – present. American Association of Geographers.
Foreign Languages
German (advanced beginner)
ArcGIS, CartDB, CommonsInABox, CSS, Gephi, Google Workspace, HTML, Mapbox, Miro, MS Office, Mural, R, QGIS, Qualtrics, Slack, Social Explorer, UserZoom, WordPress, Zotero
Hardware/Operating Systems
PC and Apple architectures, MS DOS, MS Windows, OSX, Unix